A new piece of software developed for business coaches has recently been launched, and coaches are reporting that it is saving them 40% of time compared to how they were operating before.

hubbix is a professional tool for business coaches and advisers which aids them in assessing businesses and creating action plans for clients. Created by Founder Lisa Wight, the whole platform is built using techniques she developed when she was a full time business coach herself.

Lisa commented: “I’ve always enjoyed making things more effective and delivering higher ROI.  When I started business coaching, I soon realised that the adage ‘you don’t know, what you don’t know’ was the core obstacle for business owners in achieving their goals. But to be able to truly serve the client and their business, I needed to take a holistic approach to their business, not just tackle the areas that I was strong in. So I set about finding ways to plug that gap, opening avenues to explore all areas of a business, identifying the vulnerabilities, risks and opportunities, and then providing clear strategies for the client to follow.”

Lisa was a hugely successful business coach, and creating hubbix seemed like a natural progression, meaning she is now able to help other business coaches enjoy the success she had.

She continued: “Admin tasks are some of the most time consuming for any coach. Not only does hubbix offer a more holistic approach to business support, but it also vastly reduces admin time.

“Our clients have been reporting back to me things like they’re saving 20 to 30 minutes after every single coaching session, and that sessions are more efficient. A session that previously took 75 minutes is now only taking them 45 minutes to complete, which equates to a 40% time saving. They’re also sharing with me how much they like the process driven approach and the efficiency of the system. It’s all been deliberately designed that way – it’s how I used to work – so to hear that other coaches are tangibly reaping the benefits has been fantastic.”

hubbix has just come out of beta testing and is now fully launched as phase one. But there are a lot more development plans in the pipeline. “This is just year one,” Lisa reported. “I know that lead generation is also a huge challenge for many business coaches, so we want to keep developing the system to support coaches and advisers with the problems they’re facing. That’s the whole reason why hubbix exists.”

Business Coaches and Advisers can sign up for a 30 day trial on the hubbix website.