In one of our recent blogs, we explored how important a business led approach is, but that doesn’t change the fact that your work is still all about people. Business is about relationships, and that means you have to put people and how you work with them at the top of your agenda – all the time.

For anyone promoting their own services, it can be hard to figure out what to say. It’s all too easy to fall into the trap of being generic, and your brain might tell you that you don’t want to alienate anyone or it could cost you clients. However, the opposite tends to be true. Those who find their niche always do better. And if you’re a business coach, you must remember that you are the niche in your own business. Who you are and how you do things are the key reasons that your clients will want to work with you.

Finding Your Niche

Finding who you are and what makes you special isn’t as easy as it sounds. That’s why we recommend a more intentional approach, taking emotion out of the equation.

To do this, draw a Venn diagram. In the first circle write down your skill set, experience and interests. In the second circle, write down your values and personality, and in the third circle write down your process. Where your points align, that’s your niche. It really is no more complicated.

It’s best to choose these three factors because they incorporate all of the elements that are important. For example, your experience, skills and interests are obviously vital, but it has to be your experience and skills. There isn’t one set journey for how to find success, and success means different things to different people. So work out what’s important to you. Furthermore, if you end up working with clients that are doing things that aren’t of interest to you, that’s not a good client to have. There is nothing wrong with being picky. The more passionate you are about who your client is and what they do, the better job you’ll end up doing for them. That’s important.

When you’ve got your list of aspects, you need to promote these. The point is that you want to match yourself with the right clients. You’ll probably find it easier to locate these clients too as you’ll be speaking more directly to them, rather than coming across as generic.

In addition to this, when you know your niche you’ll be able to make a much greater impact with clients. By focusing in on clients that match who you are and what you do, you’ll be able to talk with far more authority and therefore you’ll produce far better results.

Greater Impact

This becomes obvious to see when you break it down. For example, if you’re from a manufacturing background and you’ve got the skill set and experience to help manufacturing businesses scale and grow, it will always be more advantageous for you to work with clients who are looking for this sort of help. You probably won’t be as useful supporting a professional services company that wants to bring in new services. It’s always better to stick with what you know.

If you stand for nothing, no one ever knows why they should work with you. But if you have an area of expertise that you can share, people will be far more inclined to seek out your support. You could become the number one business coach for a particular industry. That’s far more powerful than trying to be a general expert for everyone.

Hubbix supports business coaches across all areas of business. So no matter what your niche, it will aid you in giving the right advice. If you’ve not explored how it could benefit your business yet, why not start a free 30 day trial and see for yourself what it can do?